Monday, December 12, 2011

The Environmental Philosophies of a True Conservationist

The Environmental Philosophies of a True Conservationist
1 Darwin, a writer and an environmentalist, has written these sayings and proverbs reflecting his own aspirations for the greater good of the society. 2 For the world is filled with literature, prose and poem alike, but rare are writings like these that tackle about a recent global phenomenon, Climate Change. The same phenomenon that is related and is considered the same as Global Warming. 
3 The earth is at its final phase, and the period of consequence is near. Isn’t it the best time to take action now rather than to regret later? Voluntary action is much better than forced action. A real environmentalist is a person who is whole-heartedly committed to preserving the environment, and who does actions in his own will.

Good Deeds praised

4 Man works hard for good things and not for evil things. Yet, evil will still exist and fool many.
5 Leaders should have love and patriotism. They must rule their country with the common good in the minds. They must not use brute force to get what they desire.

6 For those who are in power do not do good things but those who do good things do not have power. (This only applies to abusive leaders and their poor citizens.)
7 This world has sufficient wisdom for itself yet the application and execution of such grand wisdom is what makes the world a better place.
8 Greed opposes progress, it blocks the goodness every man has.

9 Awareness is one thing, but action is the best thing. 10 Strange as it may be, but this Climate Change seems to have created a domino effect which will ultimately affect all aspects of human nature.

11 Survival of the human race also depends on how we take care of our surroundings. This proves again that by helping others, we help ourselves in the process. 12 History does repeat itself; I have proven it and have witnessed it by also learning history. 13 Beware of the climate change sceptics, for they are men blinded by money. 14 An epistle, or two, I have written before. It is written in my native language, read them as your guide. Adhere carefully to the instructions written on thee, for a simple mistake may ruin our plans. [It would be a shame unto us if we fail.]

Prioritize for the Better

15 The universe contains marvellous mysteries, some of which have been theorized already. Yet surprisingly, until now we are not sure on what lies beyond this (?) universe. 16 It is quite a punch to the moon to try to solve these enigmas, for I suggest that man should focus sharply with a high priority on the problems of this earth first. 17 Millions of dollars should be spent on dealing with problems here on earth, most importantly the now-famous “Climate Change” rather than to spend it on space exploration programs. 18 Such vanities are not helping the primary problem of human society, poverty. An epistle attributed to Barnabas once stated “Let us flee from all vanity, let us entirely hate the works of the evil way…”19 There is no evil in the search of knowledge beyond our earth. Natural curiosity is not a sin. 20 Vanities include one’s useless wants and desires including the deadly pride of life. 21 Confidence is the key to success, yet of course, faith and love is also important.

Judgement for All

22 There is no evil deed that will be left unpunished. Yes, such punishment will occur and will be administered either by man or by God. Nobody can escape, best that we do good things while we’re here.23 The balance of the earth is perfect but a small disturbance can create a great catastrophe. Our climate was perfect, equipped with a cycle that ensures its eternal balance. But man made a critical mistake, using his own inventions; he created an imbalance which certainly was unknown during the early days of its [inventions] creation.
24 Two centuries later, man is now at the verge of the “point of no return” wherein his actions today will seal the destiny of his grandchildren. The period of consequence is quite near and is at the doorsteps, do something to delay it and mankind will be proud. This is what environmentalists like me are trying to do. 25 Work hard for the greater good; almost all philosophers have been trying to do the same. Yet, evil still exists as an obstacle on our goals. Endurance is what we need, as how we must endure until the end.
A Radical Solution
26 The world lacks unity, I am not surprised. For man should not despise any man, or judge fellowmen according to their colour. Accept all men, regardless of sexual orientation, religion, race or ethnicity or reputation. Discrimination divides a country and leads into bloodshed, if not, resentment. There is a popular motto, “Unity in diversity”, which states that unity can exist between two radically different individuals. 27 Worldwide problems such as climate change can only be solved successfully if the world is united, under one empire or not. 38 The world has enough scientists, leaders, politicians, workers to create a worldwide solution to this phenomenon. But interstate division is preventing such action, for some people simply do not care about the direness of the situation at hand. Some do care yet feel alone in such actions, some groups are trying to make action but their government prevents them from such. 29 If only some person or event could unite these people in a massive “Green Crusade”. In the High Middle Ages, a religious leader once created a multi-ethnic army of religious fanatics that conquered Jerusalem. Surely, as how history repeats itself, it can be done again but this time for a good cause under a true promise and not under the shroud of false religion. 30 Unity may be achieved yet do we have the necessary actions to reverse the phenomenon? As of now, prevention is still the primary concern. Reforestation should be done en masse, even the rooftops of buildings must be covered with solar cells, genetically improved root crops that can be planted in indoor pots should be made along with other radical measures to improve agricultural yields and exploit all unused spaces as much as possible. 31 Other radical measures exist, but to efficiently execute them requires a lot of will power. 32 Each of us has a role in this quest. Let’s not waste it for such roles may be predestined.
Warning Against Hypocrites
33 Do not let the climate sceptics influence you, though they may be plenty, do not let your guard down. Do not listen to their council nor follow these environmental hypocrites. 34 For I fearlessly expose that they are men blinded by the wealth of the oil companies. 35 Ancient proverb rebukes people from dining or collaborating with evil men for their attitudes may be passed unto the collaborator. 36 As what I’ve said, reverse the process by become the person who passes good eco-traits, not the person whose faith in our green crusade dwindles due to outside pressure. 37 The rich and powerful are the ones behind environmental degradation, what a shame that they waste our shared resources just for their own greed. 38 They live in large glamorous mansions alone, wasting space which should have housed other humans, if not, animals and plants. 39 Such worldly imbalance shows lack of social concern among men. Through their inventions they destroy themselves. Unfortunately, those under the poverty line will also be affected by this phenomenon, even if they had not done anything against nature. It’s a pity that both the industrialist and the conservationist’s children will suffer in the end times.

Chapter 2: A Fable


Once there was a cage with two dogs, a Dalmatian and a Bulldog, both dogs did the same thing everyday such as eating and sleeping. Sometimes they goof off and play around. Their owner did not tend to them regularly. The cage was outside, unchained and has holes where feet can protrude. 2 One day, the bulldog attempted to chase a cat at the other side of the road however the other dog did not attempt to engage in such worthless activities. The bulldog initially agreed not to chase the feline but when the cat began teasing the bulldog his rage flared up. (Between the dog and the road was a wide canal, which platforms are used to cross it.)  3 In his fury and want to quickly stop the teasing cat, the raging bulldog ran towards the cat, dragging the cage and his “cagemate (companion)” with him. He fell into the canal, along with his cagemate. In the end, the cagemate was injured even if he was not involved in the chase.
4 The earth is our only habitable place, shared between humanity and nature. Man was given dominance over nature, but abusing it is not good conduct. Likewise, a leader who abuses his power is not in good conduct. Stand in a high place and see the cities of men, full of conflict and ever-increasing need for basic commodities. Such technological achievements (except in the agricultural revolution) did not help man solve his number one basic commodity problem, food.  5 Extravagant offices, palaces, and even mansions waste valuable space. Oh, if only all minor business establishments were compressed and placed in one mall per city, space and useful land will be saved for agriculture and/or residential purposes. 6 I admire the rural areas which are independent of long-distance food transportation for they use a system that saves energy and reduces CO2 emissions through the most efficient method (if it is right to call it a method), prevention. 7 Agrarian reform is an old age problem of humanity, particular in developing countries. It has one common root, greed. If both parties concerned have good conduct, is it not possible that both parties will give than receive?
The Human Tendency
 8 This may sound senseless but a philosopher once said that “man makes himself comfortable at the expense of another [poor] man” (other sources indicate “man makes himself comfortable at the expense of lesser men”). 9 It doesn’t immediately claim that all things which comfort man are to be abolished. 10 Interpretation is the key to unlocking the wisdom involved. 11 For such wisdom is a divine gift, given as a talent and must be kept like precious stones. 12 This generation is quite materialistic and ambivalent; some are kind enough while some are kind to those who are kind to them.
Rebuking this “Better World”
13 This world is morally regressive, always backward and getting more evil. Such a shame, what a shame! We are proud to have more advanced technology, but at what price? Did it prevent crime, poverty and greed? Or did it aggravate our morality problem? 14 With all these situations happening in the moral age, I can’t stop evading the thought that why not live again in a simple, pre-industrial world? But of course, we cannot regress back to that world, for such inventions we can no longer “let go”. 15 Everything was made faster, we have fast food, fast delivery, and (ironically) fast destruction of natural resources, speeding up our life and eventually shortening our life span due to the stress we acquire in this demanding world.

Chapter 3: Closing Remarks

 In my life I learned that being humble and resilient leads to victory and exaltation later on. Do not forget to do good things in all possible situations, for it is the only thing we can do. At least we have shown that evil will never prevail among us. 2 Citing Mark Venon’s blog, he once commented about the possible solutions on climate change, saying I know that there is technology to remove carbon, save energy and so on. But the political and social problem is massive. I suspect that going for a global solution is to aim too high and will take too long. Piecemeal deals in regions and local initiatives are more likely to bring about the changes necessary - if they spread, of course. Which also means that there must be a social imperative to change behaviour, something that people are already resisting as 'nanny-stateism' on the parts of governments, and that businesses are already avoiding by locating their carbon intensive activities to parts of the world less likely to take climate change seriously.” 3 We can, however, start at small-scale changes, such as reducing dependency on fossil fuels and its by-products (including plastic). 4 Charity begins at home, and so does anti-climate change principles. 5 Remember to respect all men, learn from their knowledge. Be a good role model in order to win their hearts to this cause. 6 Remember that scripture says: “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil. “– Psalms 37:8 7 Morality begins at ourselves for we must not wait for someone to humiliate us for an immoral action that we may execute.
8 The Biblical Prophesies in the New Testament are true and some are happening to the world right now. In interpreting these prophesies, I leave that problem to you. Repeating them would be waste of time and may provoke the thought that I am replacing them, which I am not doing. 9 Go on and spread the truth about this phenomenon, and pray that their hearts may open.
Futility in Writing Over and Over
10 It is futile for me to write epistles again and again if nobody will wholeheartedly accept it. Not only that, I also won’t repeat what I’ve said earlier in my past writings unless necessary. 11 Finally, abstain from vices, not only are they a waste of time and resources but sin (pleasure) is like a venus flytrap (one that attracts flies and devours the victims).12 Now is the fulfilment of St. Paul’s prophesy, and the perilous end times has begun.  13 Be resilient, for I can say that humanity is at risk at the hands of his own inventions. 14His prophesy cannot be stopped but we should be able to alleviate some of its effects. 15 Let’s work hard for the preservation of our environment, for this is the basic law in conservation. 16 I wish you well in all your endeavours. May you be blessed and guided. (secular greeting) 17 Greetings to all who have read this work and accept my gratitude for reading this. (Originally written on the sixth of February 2011.)

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